About Us

About Us

We specialize in Bernedoodle and Goldendoodle puppies. We are a small family owned business, and our mama dogs and their puppies are first and foremost our pets, and members of our family. They live in our home, they eat with us, they sleep with us, and they are always game for a car ride. They are our best friends and our beloved pack. When our puppies are ready to go home with you they are already accustomed to pet doors and potty training, as well as car rides and walking on a leash. They are ready to be your best friend and your precious new family member.

When one of our mamas is ready to give birth she chooses her own special place in our home to birth her puppies. We sit with her as her babies are born but we do not disturb them unless necessary. For the first few weeks of life the puppies stay in a secluded place where mama keeps them warm, fed and clean. Once the pups open their eyes they are ready to start exploring the world. When a mama dog signals that it’s okay to handle her pups we hold, cuddle and kiss them, and then there’s nothing better than a little puppy pile play fest!

Our home is up at 6000 feet in a small mountain community, in Kern County, California. We have a fenced 1/2 acre property. Our wooded, hilly land gives our dogs the perfect obstacle course to play tag, tug of war or just a nice place for a nap. It snows quite a bit up here and our dogs love playing in it. It’s even hard to get them to come inside when it's snowing, because it's just too fun outside.

Constance Rock holding a Bernadoodle

Constance Rock, LM, CPM

I am a licensed midwife and I have been taking care of pregnant women and their newborn babies with excellent outcomes for 30 plus years. I’m retired now, but the hardest part of that is how much I miss the babies. In the womb and out, I love them all. When I was brainstorming about what else I could do that would utilize my midwifery skills, what came to me was breeding puppies. Watching little puppies be born is just as amazing as human babies are, but a lot less work for me. But it’s nice to stay at home with them. For me birth is an everyday miracle that I have been honored to attend. I can’t see myself walking away from birth anytime soon, and I probably never will, but puppies meet that need for me now.

When I first started studying dog breeding I was pleased to learn that almost every aspect of puppy birth was identical to human birth. While I was practicing midwifery I often used other mammals as examples for how they gave birth, which was to find a warm, quiet and private place to deliver their babies. One of the things dogs do not do is to try to think their way through labor, which only inhibits it. If a woman can quiet her mind and let her body do what it’s designed to do, just like all other mammals, then labor can progress in an undisturbed way. Sometimes complications occur in both dog and human birth but they are resolved in almost the same way.

All that being said, I still get my baby fix with puppies!