Lollipop is a full sized Bernedoodle who joined our family when she was 20 weeks old. At 12 months she weighed 80 pounds, but she never got the memo that she’s a very big dog. We’ve come to the conclusion that dogs are size blind. She has no idea that climbing up on our chests to wake us up might be a bit too much. It is but we love her affection so much that it makes us laugh. Speaking of size blind Twinkie is the smallest of our dogs but she is definitely the ringleader. The other dogs know that and they will do whatever she is doing, even if it’s hiding our belongings from us. When she was younger Lollipop would try to jump up on us like the smaller dogs do, but Lollipop could knock someone over when she jumped up, so we taught her to sit and gently put her front paws up on us so she is as high as the other dogs. She then cocks her head to show us just how precious she is. It makes us melt every time and she usually gets treats out of it. Lollipop needs lots of hugs so when we’re sitting down she’ll come wrap her front legs around us and put her head in our laps. It’s about the sweetest thing ever.