Sweet Pea is a mini Bernedoodle who joined our family when she was 1 year old. She weighs 28 pounds and she is one of the most affectionate dogs we’ve ever known. We call her the Sweetest of all the Sweet Peas ever. She is also very entertaining. When she’s pregnant she gets so top heavy that she topples over when she lifts a paw up to shake our hands. She needs her tummy rubbed many times a day. When she needs one she comes up crying like she’s hurt or needs something very badly, then she falls over and whines until she gets our attention. Sweet Pea is treat happy too. Even when she’s outside she’ll hear the cookie jar open, or if we utter the word ‘treat’ she comes running at top speed, as though she’s never had a treat in her whole life. Sweet Pea is very maternal. She’s incredibly patient with younger dogs. She’ll let them bite her ears and jump all over her, and all she does is try to bathe them. Sweet Pea can be stubborn too, mostly when we call her inside or when she doesn’t want to come out of a room she’s in. When she’s outside on our deck and we call her to come in she runs towards the door where we’re waiting for her, then she does a quick u turn and runs away. Luckily, we know that she’s easily motivated with treats and tummy rubs. She is very affectionate and cuddly. We love her so much that our family wouldn’t be complete without her